Szklarska Poręba, city in Lower-Silesian province, over Kamienna (Stoned), on border-land Karkonosze and mountains Izerskie. 8,2 Thousand inhabitants ( 2000 ). From 1959 city law.1947-1970 in Szklarska Poręba lived and created painter V. Hofman. Szklarska Poręba is located in south-west Poland,at runaway three border: Polish, Czech Republic and German, in Karkonosze and Izerskie mountains, close to Jelenia Gora. It lies at foot of the mountain Szrenica (1362 m above sea level ). It is the best developed winter sports center in Poland. City is put on height from 440 to 886 m above the sea. It borders directly upon Czech Republic ( passage boundary Jakuszyce). Due touristic values and advantageous site near big city middle-european: Prague 139 km, Vienna about 400 km, Wroclaw 140 km (every of them has airport), but also proceed proximity boundary Polish-Czech (8 km ) and Polish -German ( 71 km ), Szklarska Poreba is turisticaly attractive. It is known as one of the best touristic places in Poland. All its comforting values allows for active refreshment not only in ski season, but in the whole year.
There are not many soconducive torecreationareas in Poland such asaroundSzklarska Poręba.Silence,ever-changinglandscapesdepending on the lightingor time of day, combinedwith the noise ofcrystal-clearstreams andwaterfallssurrounded bygranite rocks-are the elementsthat affecta verysoothing effect onhuman nature.
Excellentstarting pointto the nearbyresort townsof CzechKarkonosze based on a numberof border crossings,sopedestriansandvehicles -to thegoldencity of Prague
SzklarskaPorebaalso maintainsa reputation as oneof the most importantcenters in the countrycross-country skiing.
InJakuszycebelongingto SzklarskaPoreba, snowremainsthickuntillate spring.Cross-country trails,with a totallength of 100km,afterthe winter seasonare in use of loversof recycling, asmore and morepopularit becomesto overcomethe mountainbikingtrails. The ability to usethe mountainclimbing,horsebackriding onthe vastbackwoodsand the search forminerals.
It's worth seeing: Alpine Coaster-gravityslide- new2010 inSzklarska Poreba~0.1 km Route"Wędrówka z Fraszką"("A walkwithtrifle")in SzklarskaPoreba~0.3 km WalloonTrail- new2010 inSzklarska Poreba~0.3 km TrailMagicMountain Spirit- Newin Szklarska Poreba~0.3 km Raven Rocksin Szklarska Poreba~0.4 km CurvesTowersin Szklarska Poreba~0.5 km Stone Circle-PeoplewithironsculptureZbigniewFrączkiewicza.Szklarska Poreba~0.5 km Environmental Education Center of Karkonoszein Szklarska PorebaKPN~0.7 km Chair liftto Szrenica(SkiArena)in Szklarska Poreba~0.8 km Mineralogical Museumin SzklarskaPoreba~0.8 km HouseCarl andGerhartHauptmann-Krkonoše Museumin Szklarska Poreba~0.9 km ForestIronworks in Szklarska Poreba~0.9 km EnergyMuseumin Szklarska Poreba~0.9 km DINOPARK - new2010 inSzklarska Poreba~1.1 km Land Museumin Szklarska PorebaJuna~1.1 km OldCottageWalloon"Juna"in Szklarska Poreba~1.1 km WielkiSzyszak(1509m)in Jagniątków~1.2 km Szrenicka Hallin Szklarska Poreba~1.2 km Cemetery churchP.W.Holy Rosaryin Szklarska Poreba~1.3 km Chybotekin Szklarska Poreba~1.3 km Kamieńczykin Szklarska Poreba~1.4 km Museum- HomeWlastimilaHofman"Wlastimilówka"in Szklarska Poreba~1.4 km KochanówkaPTTKshelterin Szklarska Poreba~1.6 km Hostel'PodŁabskimSummit'in Szklarska Poreba~1.6 km Głowaczin Szklarska Poreba~1.7 km Nature Reserve"Crocus"in Szklarska Poreba~1.9 km Kamienczykwaterfallin Szklarska Poreba~1.9 km Redcave in Szklarska Poreba~2 km OwlRockin Szklarska Poreba~2.2 km Snowboilersin Szklarska Poreba~2.5 km Szrenicain Szklarska Poreba~2.5 km Three Little Pigsin SzklarskaPoreba~2.7 km OURTHEATREin Michałowice~2.8 km
CurvesTowersin Szklarska Poreba~2.9 km GoldenViewin Szklarska Poreba~3.1 km WaterfallSzklarkain Szklarska Poreba~3.2 km JuliaCrystalGlassworksin Piechowice~3.3 km Church.Corpus Christiin Szklarska Poreba~3.5 km JizeraRailway- New2010!Szklarska Poreba~3.6 km TurnDeathin Szklarska Poreba~3.8 km MunicipalHouseMuseumGerhart Hauptmannin Jelenia Gora~3.9 km Beadsin Jagniątków~4.1 km Highstonein Szklarska Poreba~4.4 km Michałowicein Piechowice~4.6 km Cavesin Jagniątków~4.8 km CastleChojnikinSobieszów~4.8 km Grzybowiecin Jagniątków~5 km WanderingStone inJagniątków~5 km Młynikin Michałowice~5.1 km Natural HistoryMuseum ofthe Krkonoše National Parkin Jelenia Gora~5.3 km GarbyMountainsin SwieradowZdroj~5.4 km SobieszówSchaffgotschPalaceinJelenia Gora~5.4 km Crowberryrocksin Jagniątków~5.4 km Krkonose National Parkin Szklarska Poreba~5.5 km Krkonose National Parkin Karpacz~5.5 km CastleChojnikin Jelenia Gora~5.6 km GlassFactory- Museumin Szklarska Poreba~6.1 km CHURCHP.W.Immaculate Heart of Maryin Szklarska Poreba~6.4 km Rockholesin Przesieka~6.6 km Sudeckroad(churchyardForestinBorowicach) inBorowicach~6.8 km RudziankiinZachełmiu~7.2 km TepliceSpain Teplice~7.3 km Spa Parkand theNorwegian Parkin Jelenia Gora~7.4 km Natural History Museumin JeleniaGora~7.5 km Podgórzyńskie Pondsin Podgorzyn~7.5 km SchaffgotschPalaceinTeplicein Jelenia Gora~7.5 km Evangelical-Augsburg ChurchinTeplicein Teplice~7.7 km WaterfallPodgórnejin Przesieka~7.7 km PilgrimsinBorowicach~7.8 km SwedishRocks inBorowicach~8 km Roll oftheBorowicach~8.3 km Pilgrimsin Karpacz~8.5 km Sunflowerin Karpacz~8.8 km MYIValleyinBorowicach~8.8 km RedValleyin Sosnówka~9 km Bleak, HousePTTKthem.WaldemarSiemaszkoin Karpacz~9.7 km MONUMENTFROGSin the spa parkin SwieradowZdroj~9.8 km Devilin SwieradowZdrojMILL~9.8 km SPRING HOUSEin SwieradowZdroj~9.8 km SEPIAUPin SwieradowZdroj~9.8 km COTTAGEFORhaystackIzerskiein SwieradowZdroj~9.8 km TankSosnówkain Sosnówka~9.8 km SchaffgotschPalacein Teplice~9.8 km Chapel of St. George.Annafroma good sourcein Karpacz~9.8 km AcademicthatchPTTKin Karpacz~9.8 km Liczyrzepain Karpacz~9.9 km Water Parkin the HotelTropicanain KarpaczGołębiewski~ 10 km